کتاب Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Based on the authors’ market leading data structures booksin Java and C++, this book offers a comprehensive, definitiveintroduction to data structures in Python by authoritative authors.
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python is the firstauthoritative object-oriented book available for Python datastructures. Designed to provide a comprehensive introduction todata structures and algorithms, including their design, analysis,and implementation, the text will maintain the same generalstructure as Data Structures and Algorithms in Java andData Structures and Algorithms in C++.
- Begins by discussing Python’s conceptually simple syntax,which allows for a greater focus on concepts.
- Employs a consistent object-oriented viewpoint throughout thetext.
- Presents each data structure using ADTs and their respectiveimplementations and introduces important design patterns as a meansto organize those implementations into classes, methods, andobjects.
- Provides a thorough discussion on the analysis and design offundamental data structures.
- Includes many helpful Python code examples, with source codeprovided on the website.
- Uses illustrations to present data structures and algorithms,as well as their analysis, in a clear, visual manner.
- Provides hundreds of exercises that promote creativity, helpreaders learn how to think like programmers, and reinforceimportant concepts.
- Contains many Python-code and pseudo-code fragments, andhundreds of exercises, which are divided into roughly 40%reinforcement exercises, 40% creativity exercises, and 20%programming projects.
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